Photo by Jocelyn Noel Photography
here's my story...
Well hello there. Thank you for taking the time to check out my page. I know there are a lot of talented photographers out there and I am stoked you stopped by.
Photography has been a part of my life since I was a kid. Taking after my pops who was a landscape photographer for souvenir postcards, it was natural for me to have a camera in my hands at a young age. My passion then became saving memories. No event has escaped my obsession of capturing and immortalizing timeless moments. I have boxes of photos that I have collected throughout the years, slides I developed in college, etc. If my house was burning down these boxes are what I would grab. Photos of your history are irreplaceable.
In college I fell into the photography program at the University of Nevada, Reno but I always felt like I was faking it as a conceptual fine art photographer. The realization came to me while studying abroad in India that there is power in showing people how uniquely I see each of them. It has taken me a lifetime to to finally feel comfortable to say that I have found my calling as a portrait photographer.
Now I find myself in a life filled with love. I am married to the best partner and supporter I could ever have dreamed of and one of the most talented people I know. His music is incredibly unique and inspires me to pursue my creative passions everyday. I am newly a mother to a little wild baby boy. I never knew how much I needed this precious little sprout in my life until he was here. We also have a couple of pretty fantastic pound-pups who have kept me sane for 15 years now.
I am excited for all of life's next adventures. I look for new experiences and love life's firsts. When I am not boogieing at live concerts and music festivals in fun homemade costumes, you can find me riding my bike or taking a hike. You could also find me slinging craft cocktails behind a bar or bellied up to one. Traveling the world is big passion in my life. Whether it's to India, Italy, Costa Rica, or cross-continental train journeys through the US, I am constantly planning our next trip. Meeting new people and hearing their stories fuels me and now that you know a little bit about me, I look forward to hearing your stories and creating new ones together.